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Posts Tagged ‘dynamic vs static qr code’

  1. Dynamic vs Static QR code?

    January 24, 2018 by admin

    Common question of our customers is “What is the difference between Static and Dynamic QR Codes?”

    Dynamic vs static QR code

    Dynamic vs static QR code

    Will try to explain. If we are talking about internet addresses encoded in QR codes (URL), Static QR codes are containing final destination where you will be redirected after scanning. Dynamic QR codes contain intermediate location that willl then redirect user to desired destination (URL).

    Because of that, Dynamic QR codes provide multiple advantages:

    • Easier to scan / smaller / more clear / error correction
      Because CodeQRCode uses very short URL for redirection ( our dynamic QR codes are smaller and much easier to scan. This is very important if you are printing your QR codes and your internet address is very long. With our Dynamic QR codes, your customers will scan QR codes faster with better success rate (they are not blurry or with too tiny squares)
    • Ability to change destination (URL) later
      It is very important to be able to change destination address after printing QR code (e.g. in your printed ad) or featuring QR code in advertising banner/bitmap graphic. You can login to codeQRcode dashboard anytime and redirect existing QR codes to new address!Imagine, printing business card, and in a few months you change your address or phone. If your client scans QR code on your old business card, he will always get up-to-date contact information!
    • Track statistics with Dynamic QR codes
      Even with free account you will have detailed statistics, how many times are your QR codes scanned, with what device type (e.g. Android or iPhone) and when.
      You can always compare that with your advertising campaigns, or if you pay Ad in two different magazines, if you use different QR code in each magazine, you will have feedback, what ad was more successful (scanned)!

    If you have a wordpress site you can install our new qr code wordpress plugin

    You can try for yourself, register for free and make a free dynamic QR codes

    Dynamic vs static QR code

    Dynamic vs static QR code